Source code for TensorClus.reader.load

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The :mod:`TensorClus.reader` module provides functions to load and read
different data format.

import pandas as pd
from random import randint
import logging
import os
import numpy as np
from os import environ, listdir, makedirs
from os.path import dirname, exists, expanduser, isdir, join, splitext

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_dataset(datasetName): """ Load one of the available dataset. Parameters ---------- datasetName : str the name of dataset Returns ------- tensor three-way numpy array labels true row classes (ground-truth) slices slices name """ base_dir = dirname(__file__) print("base_dir",base_dir) datasetName = datasetName + ".npz" outfile = join(base_dir , datasetName) npzfile = np.load(outfile) tensor = npzfile['arr_0'] labels = npzfile['arr_1'] slices = npzfile['arr_2'] return tensor, labels, slices
[docs]def read_txt_tensor(filePath): """ read tensor data from text file. Parameters ---------- filePath : str the path of file Returns ------- tensor three-way numpy array """ tensor = pd.read_csv(filePath, header=0, names= ["v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"]) rowIndices = np.asarray(tensor.v1).reshape(tensor.shape[0]).astype(int) colIndices = np.asarray(tensor.v2).reshape(tensor.shape[0]).astype(int) vIndices = np.asarray(tensor.v3).reshape(tensor.shape[0]).astype(int) values = np.asarray(tensor.v4).reshape(tensor.shape[0]) maxRow = int(np.amax(rowIndices))+1 maxCol = int(np.amax(colIndices))+1 maxV = int(np.amax(vIndices)) +1 tensorData = np.zeros((maxRow, maxCol, maxV)) tensorData[rowIndices, colIndices, vIndices] = values return tensorData
[docs]def save_txt_tensor(tensor, filePath): """ save tensor data as a text file. Parameters ---------- tensor : tensor array filePath : str the path of file """ nrow, ncol, v = tensor.shape rowIndices, colIndices, vIndices = np.indices((nrow, ncol, v)) rowIndices = rowIndices.reshape(nrow * ncol * v) colIndices = colIndices.reshape(nrow * ncol * v) vIndices = vIndices.reshape(nrow * ncol * v) values =tensor[rowIndices, colIndices, vIndices ].reshape(nrow * ncol * v) data = np.zeros((len(values), 4)) data[:, 0] = rowIndices data[:, 1] = colIndices data[:, 2] = vIndices data[:, 3] = values np.savetxt(filePath, data, delimiter=',')