Source code for TensorClus.vizualisation.__init__

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


The :mod:`TensorClus.vizualisation` module provides functions to visualize
different measures or data.

import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from random import randint
import matplotlib

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'ggplot')

[docs]def generateColour(): """ Generate random color. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- str hex color """ _HEX = list('0123456789ABCDEF') return '#' + ''.join(_HEX[randint(0, len(_HEX)-1)] for _ in range(6))
[docs]def duplicates(lst, item): """ Find index of duplicated values. Parameters ---------- lst: list of values item: values to determine Returns ------- list index of dipulicated values """ return [i for i, x in enumerate(lst) if x == item]
[docs]def Plot_CoClust_axes_etiquette(title, fig, axes, data, phiR, phiC, K, L, etiquette): """ Plot CoClustering results for each slice on specific axes. Parameters ---------- title: title of figure fig : figure that includes all axes axes : list of axes corresponding to the number of slices data : tensor data phiR : row clustering partition phiC : row clustering partition K : number of row cluster L : number of columns cluster etiquette : name of slices """ n = data.shape[0] d = data.shape[1] ### Order rows infR = int(phiR.min()) indexR = list(np.asarray(duplicates(phiR, infR))) indexAffichagesLignes = [np.count_nonzero(phiR == infR)] for r in range(infR + 1, K + infR): indexAffichagesLignes.append(np.count_nonzero(phiR == r) + indexAffichagesLignes[r - 2]) indexR.extend(duplicates(phiR, r)) Newdata = data[indexR, :] ### Order columns infC = int(phiC.min()) indexC = list(np.asarray(duplicates(phiC, infC))) indexAffichagesColonnes = [np.count_nonzero(phiC == infC)] for c in range(infC + 1, L + infC): indexAffichagesColonnes.append(np.count_nonzero(phiC == c) + indexAffichagesColonnes[c - 2]) indexC.extend(duplicates(phiC, c)) Newdata1 = Newdata[:, indexC] ################################################################################## # levels contient le numero de la ligne qu'on souhaite afficher levels = np.unique(np.asarray(indexAffichagesLignes)) levels = np.asarray(list(levels[i] for i in range(0, len(levels) - 1))) # levels1 contient le numero de la colonne qu'on souhaite afficher levels1 = np.unique(np.asarray(indexAffichagesColonnes)) levels1 = np.asarray(list(levels1[i] for i in range(0, len(levels1) - 1))) ################################################################################## #im2 = axes.pcolormesh(Newdata1, cmap='Oranges', rasterized=True) im2 = axes.spy(Newdata1, markersize=0.5, color="black", aspect='auto') axes.set_title(title, fontsize=16) axes.set_xticks(levels1) axes.set_xticklabels(np.asarray(levels1).astype(str)) axes.set_yticks(levels) axes.set_yticklabels(np.asarray(levels).astype(str)) ################################################################################### cl = np.array([list(range(0, d + 1))]) xcontour = np.concatenate((cl, cl), axis=0).T ycontour = np.array([[0, n], ] * len(xcontour)) zcontour = np.array([[0, n], ] * len(xcontour)) cc = np.array([list(range(0, n + 1))]) ycontour1 = np.concatenate((cc, cc), axis=0).T xcontour1 = np.array([[0, d], ] * len(ycontour1)) zcontour1 = np.array([[0, d], ] * len(ycontour1)) ################################################################################### axes.contour(xcontour, ycontour, zcontour, linewidths=3, colors="black", levels=levels) axes.contour(xcontour1, ycontour1, zcontour1, linewidths=3, colors="black", levels=levels1)
[docs]def plot_logLikelihood_evolution(model, do_plot=True, save=False, dpi = 200): """ Plot all intermediate loglikelihood for a model at each iteration. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`TensorClus.coclustering`, Fitted model do_plot: boolean, Whether the plot should be displayed. True by default. Disabling this allows users to handle displaying the plot themselves. save : boolean, False by default. Allowing save plot as image dpi : int, 200 by default. Allowing to choose a specific resolution when saving image """ # Prepare a subplot and set the axis tick values and labels fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.draw() labels = np.arange(1, (len(model.criterions) + 1), 1) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(model.criterions) + 1, 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) # Plot all intermdiate modularities plt.plot(model.criterions, marker='o') # Set the axis titles plt.ylabel("Log-Likelihood", size=10) plt.xlabel("Iterations", size=10) # Set the main plot titlee plt.title("\nEvolution of Log-Likelihood\n", size=12) # Remove automatic ticks plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', right='off', left='off') # Plot a dashed horizontal line around max modularity plt.axhline(max(model.criterions), linestyle="dashed") plt.axhline((max(model.criterions) - model.tol), linestyle="dashed") if do_plot: if save : plt.savefig('evolution_loglikelihood.png', format='png', dpi=dpi)
[docs]def plot_parameter_evolution(model, do_plot=True, save=False, dpi = 200): """ Plot all intermediate gammaKK parameters for a model at each iteration. Parameters ---------- model: :class:`TensorClus.coclustering`, Fitted model do_plot: boolean, Whether the plot should be displayed. True by default. Disabling this allows users to handle displaying the plot themselves. save : boolean, False by default. Allowing save plot as image dpi : int, 200 by default. Allowing to choose a specific resolution when saving image """ # Prepare a subplot and set the axis tick values and labels if str(type(model).__name__) == "SparseTensorCoclusteringPoisson": K = model.n_clusters L = int(K) colors = [generateColour() for i in range(K*L)] tab_evol_gammakl_VEM = model.gamma_kl_evolution elif str(type(model).__name__) == "TensorCoclusteringPoisson": K = model.n_row_clusters L = model.n_col_clusters colors = [generateColour() for i in range(K*L)] tab_evol_gammakl_VEM = model.gamma_kl_evolution else : K = model.n_row_clusters L = model.n_col_clusters colors = [generateColour() for i in range(K * L)] tab_evol_gammakl_VEM = model.mu_kl_evolution fig, axes = plt.subplots() fig.canvas.draw() labels = np.arange(1, (len(model.criterions) + 1), 1) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, len(model.criterions) + 1, 1)) axes.set_xticklabels(labels) cpt = 0 for k in range(K): for l in range(L): plt.plot(tab_evol_gammakl_VEM[k][l], c=colors[cpt], marker='.', linewidth=1.5,label ='block ('+str(k + 1)+',' + str(l + 1)+')') cpt = cpt + 1 plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.1, left=0.15, right=0.8, wspace=0.1) axes.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.21, 1.02)) # Set the axis titles plt.xlabel("Iterations", size=12, fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel('Parameters per block (k,l)', size=12) # Set the main plot titlee plt.title('Evolution of parameters', size=12) # Remove automatic ticks plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', right='off', left='off') # Plot a dashed horizontal line around max modularity plt.axhline(np.amax(tab_evol_gammakl_VEM), linestyle="dashed") if do_plot: if save : plt.savefig('evolution_gammaKK.png', format='png', dpi=dpi)
[docs]def plot_slice_reorganisation(data,model, slicesName = None, do_plot=True, save=False, dpi = 200): """ Plot all intermediate modularities for a model. Parameters ---------- data : tensor data model: :class:`TensorClus.coclustering.CoclustMod`, Fitted model slicesName : list of slice names do_plot: boolean, Whether the plot should be displayed. True by default. Disabling this allows users to handle displaying the plot themselves. save : boolean, False by default. Allowing save plot as image dpi : int, 200 by default. Allowing to choose a specific resolution when saving image """ # Prepare a subplot and set the axis tick values and labels K = model.n_clusters L = int(K) n = data.shape[0] d = data.shape[1] v = data.shape[2] phiR = model.row_labels_ phiC = model.column_labels_ ################################################ # Compute number of row and column subplots sqrtV = np.sqrt(v) if (v % sqrtV) == 0 : r = int(sqrtV) c = int(v/sqrtV) casesVides = 0 else : r = int(sqrtV) if (r*r)< v : c = int(r) casesVides = (r*r) - v else : c = r+1 casesVides = (r * (r+1)) - v ################################################ fig, axes = plt.subplots(r, c, sharey=True) cpt_plot_row = 0 cpt_plot_col = 0 if slicesName is None: features_liste = ["slice "+str((b+1)) for b in range(v)] features_liste = np.asarray(features_liste) else: features_liste = np.asarray(slicesName) for fe in range(v): y_true = data[:, :, fe].reshape(n, d) if cpt_plot_col == r: cpt_plot_col = 0 cpt_plot_row = cpt_plot_row + 1 Plot_CoClust_axes_etiquette(features_liste[fe], fig, axes[cpt_plot_row, cpt_plot_col], y_true, phiR, phiC, K, L, features_liste.tolist()) cpt_plot_col = cpt_plot_col + 1 for cv in range(casesVides) : cs = cv+1 axes[-1, (-1*cs)].axis('off') fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(15, 9) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.04, left=0.08, right=0.96, hspace=0.45) if do_plot: if save : plt.savefig('evolution_gammaKK.png', format='png', dpi=dpi)